Career Clusters
There are a huge range of sectors and industries beyond academia in which you can pursue fulfilling careers and add real value. This set of 12 career clusters have been co-created with employers from a range of sectors. They are intended to represent the key areas of the economy which stand to benefit most from the qualities and attributes that you can offer.
Many of the clusters show areas of economic growth and speak to some of the most important challenges we face today, such as delivering a more sustainable future, harnessing the power of data and AI effectively and ethically and ensuring our public services are fit for purpose. The career clusters are not intended to be mutually exclusive: many are cross-cutting, some are interrelated with others.
This section is intended to give you an initial flavour of some of the varied opportunities in each cluster. Alongside these, the other resources in Explore can help you in your exploration of the employment landscape. You can also hear more from employers we have worked with to date in the Employer Insights.
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