Register with Prosper
All you have to do is choose which type of user account you would like to register for and complete the form below…
Postdoc: Completed your PhD and now working as a researcher on a fixed term contract? This login option is for you. Still finishing your PhD? The 'none of the above' option is for you.
Institutional staff member: If you work at a UK institution (have an email ending and deliver career development or career advice aimed at postdocs this is the login option for you. This login option will give you access a postdoc dashboard too, with no need to register as a postdoc separately. If you're based outside of the UK email us to request a login.
Managers of Researchers: Do you lead or manage, or hope to, postdocs or similar research staff? Are you a Principal Investigator? If so, this is the login option for you. This login option will give you access a postdoc dashboard too, with no need to register as a postdoc separately.
None of the above: If none of the other options fit you but you'd still like a Prosper login to aid your own career development please select this login option.