Career Coaching Questions
Verified by Prosper on 29/05/24.
The Career Coaching Questions Document is an invaluable resource crafted to guide individuals through a purposeful exploration of their career aspirations, choices, and growth opportunities. This carefully curated collection of questions is designed to spark self-discovery, inspire critical thinking, and provide a solid foundation for productive career coaching conversations.
Alys Kay | University of Liverpool
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Managers of researchers, Postdocs, Researcher developers / Professional support staff
Career pathway, Coaching
Evaluation on the use or impact of associated resource(s)
The evaluation demonstrates the considerable positive impact of career coaching questions on participants\' professional development. The strategic use of thought-provoking questions contributes to enhanced goal clarity, improved self-awareness, and the development of effective strategies for career advancement. These findings underscore the vital role that well-crafted coaching questions play in guiding individuals towards realizing their full career potential.