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Suggested searches
Career audit
Career timelines: chart your career
Influences on career opinion
Personality traits
Workplace strengths and interests
Define your values
Mining skills example: HEA Award
Skills audit
Personal job satisfaction
Decision making: career choices
Overcoming limiting beliefs
Pivoting: how to handle identity crisis
Handling self-sabotage
Pivoter profiles
Crafting a new career identity
Building self-confidence
Tools for building self-awareness
The Big Five: personality assessment
Myers Briggs Type Indicator: personality sssessment
myIDP and Imagine PhD
SkillScan: skills assessment
VIA Strengths: character strengths
Career anchors: values and drivers assessment
Strengths Profile: personality assessment
Journaling to increase self-awareness
Postdoc professional identity-making
Career clusters
Former postdoc case studies
Former Prosper pilot postdocs case studies
Job simulators
Project management
Commercial awareness
Growth mindset
Employer insights
Mapping your warm network
Expanding your knowledge of organisations
Searching job boards by skills
The power of networking
Barriers to networking
Conducting informational interviews
Using library resources to enhance your commercial awareness
Where and how to search for opportunities
Personal branding
Using your network
How to set up your own business
How to find support for your business
Freelancing and consultancy
University spin outs
Speculative applications
Cover letters
Application forms and supporting statements
CV showcasing your skills
CV different types
Developing a skills-based CV
Video interviews
Interview questions
Assessment centres (including virtual)
Psychometric tests
Common pitfalls of job applications
Navigating job offer negotiations
Having successful career conversations
Making the most of your current role
Handling the first few weeks
Keeping up momentum
Managing failure
Revisiting your identity
Ongoing learning and development
Boosting postdoc career development
Career conversations
Job applications and recruitment processes
Careers beyond academia
Careers within academia
Developing postdoc skills
Postdoc networking
Barriers to engagement
Creating inclusive environments
Supporting international postdocs
Supporting staff wellbeing
Developing working relationships
Managing your first postdoc
Funding and recruitment
Managing postdocs
Annual reviews
Prioritisation and productivity
Project end and outcomes
Real-life examples
The PI Network
How lab handbooks can help shape research culture in your team
A coaching approach to career conversations
A template for holding a career conversation
Building intercultural competence
Careers beyond academia guide
Creating a working environment that lets you and your postdoc grow: skills for PIs and postdocs
Developing resilience
Improve your wellbeing with Positive Intelligence
Leadership and management for the first time PI
Lessons learned from Covid and postdoc career development in the post-Covid era
Managing researchers during Covid-19