Search results
ReflectDefine your values
- 11 minutes
Understanding your values, skills, and motivations can help you to identify a career or role that meets your needs.…
Path: Reflect -
ExploreWorking at IBM
- 15 minutes
Dr Martyn Spink discusses his work as Programme Director at IBM UK Research Team.…
ExploreWorking at National Museums Liverpool
- 12 minutes
Stephanie Donaldson discusses her work as Executive Director of Business Resources at National Museums Liverpool…
ExploreWorking at Tate
- 11 minutes
Lindsey Fryer discusses her work as Head of Learning at Tate Liverpool.…
ActHaving successful career conversations
- 19 minutes (13 minutes reading | 6 minutes video)
A resource on having fruitful career conversations with your PI/mentor.…
Path: Act -
ReflectDecision making: career choices
- 7 minutes
Making a career choice is one of the most important decisions that we make in our lives.…
Path: Reflect -
ExploreEmployer panel - September 2021
- 5 minutes
Prosper employer panel, 29 September 2021.…
Path: Explore > Employer insights -
ExploreEmployer panel - November 2022
- 83 minutes (1 minute reading | 82 minutes video)
Prosper employer panel - recruitment, November 2022.…
Path: Explore > Employer insights -
ExploreMapping your warm network
- 5 minutes
A simple way to begin your independent career exploration is to map your existing network.…
Path: Explore -
ExploreExpanding your knowledge of organisations
- 14 minutes (7 minutes reading | 7 minutes video)
Identifying an organisation of interest gives you a starting point for further research.…
Path: Explore -
ExploreSearching job boards by skills
- 51 minutes (4 minutes reading | 47 minutes video)
Although job boards are typically used when applying for jobs, you can also use them for career exploration.…
Path: Explore -
- 3 minutes
In this section, we offer resources and tools to help you develop your self-awareness and identify your career goals, including articles, assessments, and exercises.…
ReflectCareer audit
- 15 minutes
A career audit helps you to look at significant points in your career and to compare your prior expectations, with the reality of the experience.…
Path: Reflect -
ReflectPersonality traits
- 5 minutes
Learn about your personality traits and discover how they can influence which career is right for you.…
Path: Reflect -
ReflectWorkplace strengths and interests
- 8 minutes
Workplace strengths and interests are the unique abilities, talents, and passions that you bring to your work.…
Path: Reflect